Frequently Asked Questions

What and Who is Sculpture Tasmania?

Sculpture Tasmania is a Not-For-Profit group dedicated to advancing sculpture in its many disciplines and sculptors. Through education and information we aim to enlighten the public to the importance sculpture has in our artistic and daily lives. Sculpture Tasmania is connected to other sculpture groups world wide to keep members informed and connected.

What is MoST?

MoST is a member based group of people dedicated to advancing sculpture, its benefits to the community and the integral place it has in the visual arts world.

How can I get involved?

MoST gatherings are held in studios, gardens and venues around the state which are advertised on our website, facebook and instagram sites as well as in the seasonal newsletter. You can email us at as well. Or just click HERE to view our membership form.

I need some advice about a sculptural technique, can you help me?

We will always follow up inquiries with our large data base. Sculpture Tasmania has a range of videos, contacts and expertise that you can be connected with. Inquire via our email address.

Message from Sculpture Tasmania Inc.

These are fluid and uncertain times challenging all of us. The Sculpture Tasmania board hope that you and your families are well, safe and able to continue to engage in your arts practice.   

Australians have been asked to make many difficult decisions regarding planning for the future; we must think of new ways to improve communications to support our artists and each other.

At Sculpture Tasmania 2020/2021 AGM the following board members were elected – Chairperson, Robyn Barnet; Vice Chairperson, David Hamilton; Public Officer, Patrick Sutcazk; Treasurer, Ali Copley; Secretary, Bev Asquini; and board members Lex Palmer Bull, Catherine Di Murro and Craig Ashton.

The board is working to deliver information and support via their Facebook, Instagram and web page ensuring we all keep connected over the next months.

Sculpture Tasmania will be continuing to build our brand name, support our partners and inform artists as we all work through this difficult period. Friends of Sculpture Tasmania (FOST) has been initiated and we plan to use web site as a conduit for artists to connect with each other and the general public by highlighting works being created in Tasmanian studios during this time.

Keep Safe,

Robyn Barnet